Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doc (ICRA, Girona, Spain)
Microbial communities dynamics and evolution of antibiotic resistance in city sewers
2022 -
Research Engineer at the Center of Education and Reseach on Mediterranean Environment
Data consolidation and statistical analysis of the european eel (Anguila anguila) stock in Mediterranean lagoons.
2021 - 2022
Post-doc at the Center of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (Montpellier, France)
Supervisor: Luis-Miguel Chevin.
Population dynamics and evolution in stochastic environments: experimental evolution with the micro algae Dunaliella salina
2017 - 2019
PhD student at the Biological Station of Roscoff (France)
Supervisor: Denis Roze.
Evolution and consequences of haploid-diploid life-cycles: mathematical models (Mathematica), numerical simulations (C++) and experimental evolution with the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Master 2 internship at the biological station of Roscoff (France)
Supervisor: Denis Roze
Evolution of haploid-diploid life-cycles: mathematical models (Mathematica) and numerical simulations (C++)
Master 1 internship in neurology at the University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Supervisor: Guy Warman
Effect of different anesthetics on the honey bee circadian rhythm. Experiment on bees and statistical analysis.
Master 1 internship in fisheries management at the Technical University Federico Santa Maria (Chile)
Supervisor: Pedro Gajardo
Application of an informatic model to two austral fisheries: Chilean seabass and Magellan merlucidd hakes.
PhD. Université Paris 6. Mention Très Honorable
Msc. AgroParisTech, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Université Paris-Sud, Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle.
Enginer's Degree. AgroParisTech
Evolution Symposium 2018 (Montpellier, France) Environmental autocorrelation and genetic diversity effects on extinction risks. Oral presentation
ICG Symposium Eco-Evolutionary dynamics 2018 (Lisbon, Portugal) Environmental predictability shapes the evolution of acclimated tolerance curves in stochastic environments. Poster
ESEB Congress 2015 (Lausanne, Switzerland) Interaction between genetic and ecological effect on the evolution of life-cycles. Oral presentation
SMBE Symposium 2014 (San Juan, Porto-Rico) Evolution of haploid diploid life cycles. Poster
Jacques Monod Conference (Roscoff, France) Evolution of haploid diploid life cycles. Poster
Mathematica, Matlab
Latex, Microsoft Office, Open Office
French (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Spanish (advanced)
Maternity leave (8 months)
Maternity leave (4 months)
Anti-malaria program in Mouanko, Cameroun. Coordination of the project in France and Cameroun, in collaboration with Cameroon students and associations.
Construction of a scholar vegetable garden to provide one free meal/day for kids at school (Ouargaye, Burkina Faso). Participation in the project organization, funding and realization with the Association Ouargaye-Fougères.
Animation in summer camps